Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why Men Batter Their Wives

Why do men batter their wives?
People might think to themselves why a man batters his wife. There are many reasons why the man hits and abuses his wife. Even if the man is morally wrong for his actions, domestic violence occurs all the time with all different ethnicities, age, color, gender, and educational background. The man does not have to be mentally challenged or have health issues to beat on his wife.

Many men that abuse their wives do it because they feel that there are in control all the time. They also feel that what they say and do is the correct way. The woman does not have a choice or a say in the relationship because the man is the one that takes full control over everything.

Economically Depressed
A reason for a man to beat his wife may do to the fact that he may be economically depressed and having a hard time at work. If the man comes home from getting yelled at by his boss, he will not yell at his boss because he cannot afford getting fired.

He will go home and take his anger out on his wife because of his stressful day at work. Even though the wife did not have any part in him getting yelled at or having a bad day at work, he feels it is only right to take his resentment out on his wife because she is there for him to beat on.

Another reason may be because the husband can is jealous of his wife for one reason or another. For instance, if she is talking to someone else, going to the store and looking at another male figure, or even talking about someone else and not him.

According to my friend Claudia she says, “My father would come home and be envious if my mother was speaking to the next door neighbors. Even though the next door neighbor had a wife, he still got upset and furious when she spoke to him. It was not a big deal and there is no reason why he should have gotten so upset.” This is really upseting because Claudia's mother was just having a conversation with her next door neighbor and she got in trouble.

Alcohol Issues

Last but not least, there are many men that beat their wives because they have an alcohol problem. Drinking alcohol is not an excuse for the man to beat his wife. It is an excuse for the man to say that it is the reason he beats his wife and it gives him an extra boost. Furthermore, the man might have been in an abusive household and that is the lifestyle he knows best so he feels the need to beat on his wife.

My Perception

Listening to my friend Claudia telling me why her father beat her mother was really disturbing. The reason is because money, jealousy, and alcohol are really huge issues in this situation. In her situation it was because of jealousy. The men feel that the women should just talk and look at him and nobody else. Its sad because the women can't have eyes or their own mind.

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